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Our Track record
  • $0


    Million Invested

  • 0


  • $0.0


    Billion in assets under management

Historical average

  • 0.0


    Investor level IRR

  • 0.0


    Equity Multiple

Our Portfolio

OpenPath has a diverse and well-rounded portfolio with a focus on multifamily and industrial assets while creating a positive social and environmental impact. Our approach to investing in real estate is grounded in a deep understanding of market trends, economic conditions, and the needs of our tenants, both commercial and residential.

Our multifamily properties offer high-quality housing options for families and individuals in supply constrained markets. With a focus on long-term ownership and value creation, we are committed to maintaining a high standard of service and ensuring that our properties are well-positioned for future growth.

We recognize the important role that small and medium-sized businesses play in the economy, which is why we are committed to providing them with the infrastructure and facilities they need to thrive through our industrial properties. We focus on areas  with strong economic fundamentals, major transportation hubs and the ability to offer tenants access to a range of amenities. This allows tenants to operate their businesses to their full potential.

Multifamily Active Markets

Industrial Active Markets

Previous Markets

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Investing to enrich the lives of all

We are proud to invest in social environmental impact initiatives across our entire portfolio. These initiatives align with our values and commitment to sustainability. We believe that real estate can be a powerful tool for positive change, and we seek out and implement initiatives that positively impact the environment and the community. From green buildings and renewable energy sources to properties that support community development and social events, we are committed to investing in areas that make a difference.


If your values align with OpenPath then join us on our journey towards shaping the future.